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Monolit Studio



Welcome we are Monolit

Our team takes over everything, from an idea and concept development to realization. We believe in traditions and incorporate them within our innovations. All our projects incorporate a unique artistic image and functional solutions. Client is the soul of the project. Our main goal is to illustrate his/hers values and individuality through design.

Our team takes over everything, from an idea and concept development to realization. We believe in traditions and incorporate them within our innovations. All our projects incorporate a unique artistic image and functional solutions. Client is the soul of the project. Our main goal is to illustrate his/hers values and individuality through design.


Some Interisting Facts

Our team takes over everything, from an idea and concept development to realization. We believe in traditions and incorporate them within our innovations. All our projects incorporate a unique artistic image and functional solutions. Client is the soul of the project. Our main goal is to illustrate his/hers values and individuality through design.

Finished projects

Happy customers

Working hours


Our Skills

Our team takes over everything, from an idea and concept development to realization. We believe in traditions and incorporate them within our innovations. All our projects incorporate a unique artistic image and functional solutions. Client is the soul of the project. Our main goal is to illustrate his/hers values and individuality through design.








Our Fantastic Team

Mila Slavko

CEO – Main Architect

Austin Evon

Co-manager associated

Mery Insi

Architect – Designer

Jon Twist

Architect – Designer

David Gray


Mery Spears

Designer – Photographer



What We Do

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

ФАН ПРОДУКЦИЈА ЗОРАН Ви нуди свадбена фотографија и видео продукција, но нуди услуги и за други настани како крштевки, приватни забави, кродендени итн.За идните млади кои сакаат необично и квалитетноФАН ПРОДУКЦИЈА ЗОРАН е правиот избор. Секој наш задоволен клиент е мотив плус да продолжиме да паботиме на беспрекорна услуга и квалитетна фотографија. Термините за снимање и фотографирање на свадби полека се пополнуваат. Повелете заедно да ја оствариме вашата замисла.

Започнувајќи од 2016 година, Фан Зоран Продукција има соработувано со над 50 клиенти (бизниси, организации и институции), овозможувајќи им на истите да ја пренесат својата порака и визија пред пошироката јавност.

Нашата цел, на која сме целосно посветени, е преку креативни и висококвалитетни видеа да им помогнеме на бизнисите и организациите да ја раскажат својата приказна, да ги постигнат своите цели, и воедно да ја подигнат препознатливоста за нивниот бренд.


Организирате важен настан за кој ви е потребен професионален фотограф? Сакате да направите корпоративни фотографии за вашиот тим? Ако одговорот на кое било од овие прашања е „да“ – вие се наоѓате на вистинското место!


Our partners and Clients

Our team takes over everything, from an idea and concept development to realization. We believe in traditions and incorporate them within our innovations. All our projects incorporate a unique artistic image and functional solutions. Client is the soul of the project. Our main goal is to illustrate his/hers values and individuality through design.


Where to Find us

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

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